• By Henrikh
  • 15 Oct 2021

Warren Buffett Investment Rules - Investing like Warren Buffett

We'll talk about Warren Buffett's investment rules, which made him billions of dollars. Hi, I'm Henrikh. In this article, I'll describe what Warren Buffett has to say about each step of successful investing that I learned spending years. What is successful s...

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  • By Henrikh
  • 02 Oct 2021

Share Buyback - Should You Avoid Companies Doing Stock Buybacks?

What is a share buyback, and should you avoid investing in companies that often buy back their shares? Hi, I'm Henrikh. In this article, I'll introduce you to share buyback programs shortly and will share my ideas if it is worth investing in those companies or not. Def...

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  • By Henrikh
  • 18 Jul 2021

Investing in Stocks vs Real Estate - Comparing the Advantages and Disadvantages (pros...

Investing in Stocks or Real Estate: We will compare the most important investment reasons like liquidity, leverage, tangibility, diversification, ROI, control, tax, management and much more. Hi, I am Henrikh and we will go over the most important aspects of investing and will...

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  • By Henrikh
  • 10 Jun 2021

How to Invest Your First $1000 - $10,000

Today I am going to tell you the best way to invest your first $1000 or $10,000 in the stock market and grow your wealth. Hi, I am Henrikh and I will go over the best possible options to invest your first small capital, but before we start, please make sure I am not a financia...

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  • By Henrikh
  • 29 May 2020

Deflation or Hyperinflation? Sell Stocks or Buy Stocks - Market Crash of 2020

Are we going to have deflation or hyperinflation? Should we sell our stocks or buy more? Hi, I am Henrikh and we are going to understand what we should do with our portfolio in this volatile economy. Will the market melt down or go up? We know many significant economists that...

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