Easy-to-use guru stock screener for value investors with a bunch of filter/sorting features. The guru activity (buy, sell) screener data is based on SEC 13F filing reports from superinvestors. The grand portfolio info includes total value, changed value, number of securities and filing gurus.

The activity screener is a free screener (mostly about portfolio changes) for value investors, stock analysts, researchers and others. Filters include % change to grand portfolio, price, security type, activity type (buy, sell), activity period (over quarters or reports), SUM of changed value, number of buys/sells and many more. “Holding” represents the latest reports of gurus, and if filtered by the date, instead, it shows the historical data for (or starting from) the selected date.

Grand Portfolio

Value: $898B+
Change: $-70B+
Securities (w/ activity): 1,137
Gurus (w/ activity): 87
% change to grand portfolio
Number of activities
AVG price*
Curr. price - Rep. price diff. (%)
SUM of changed value (mln)
MAX % change
to portfolio
MIN % change
to portfolio
MAX changed
value (mln)
MIN changed
value (mln)
Activity period
Activity type
Security type
0 of 1,137

AVG reported price - this doesn't represent the actual buy or sell price.
It is the split-adjusted average price of the securities as of the last day of the reported period.

Gurus latest (N) reports - Results appear based on the latest reports of each guru as not all gurus file on the same day.
Example #1 - it can be Q4 for a guru and Q3 for another guru.
Example #2 (2 reports) - it can be Q3-Q4 for a guru and Q2-Q3 for another guru.