CNHI Stock Ownership Activity


3 value investing gurus have made changes to the CNH INDUSTRIAL NV (CNHI) position according to the gurus' latest SEC quarterly report(s). CNHI has been bought (as a new position) by 1 guru(s), the number of CNHI shares has been decreased by 2 super investor(s).

Which gurus or hedge funds are buying CNHI now?

According to the latest SEC filing(s) CNH INDUSTRIAL NV (CNHI) has been bought by David Einhorn - Greenlight Capital (new buy).

To see more about who is investing in CNH INDUSTRIAL NV (CNHI), please go to the CNHI ownership page.

2015 Q2 (1 result)
Marty Whitman
Current price: $11.45 23.38% Reported price*: $9.28
1 of 51

Shares, change to shares, sold shares - split-adjusted.

Reported price - this doesn't represent the actual buy or sell price.
It is the split-adjusted price of the security as of the last day of the reported period.

Value or Price - If the security is completely sold out, we show the reported value (or price) prior to the actual period.