SPOT Stock Recent News
When deciding whether to buy, sell, or hold a stock, investors often rely on analyst recommendations. Media reports about rating changes by these brokerage-firm-employed (or sell-side) analysts often influence a stock's price, but are they really important?
Spotify has expanded the availability of its AI Playlist tool to the U.S., Canada, Ireland, and New Zealand after initially launching it for Premium subscribers in the U.K. and Australia.
The stock market has performed well in 2024 so far, thanks partly to the fast-growing artificial intelligence (AI) industry. AI is likely to remain a dominant theme for the broader stock market in 2025.
Spotify (SPOT) shares rose for a tenth straight session on Friday, ending the day at their first record close since February 2021.
Let's check out if SPOT is still a compelling option to consider for investors looking to gain exposure to the music-streaming sector.
A group of companies including Meta and Spotify blasted the European Union Thursday for its "fragmented and inconsistent" decision-making on data privacy and artificial intelligence (AI).
Spotify stock is on fire, and new growth engines like advertising are becoming a bigger part of the company's growth.
Competitive and digital headwinds sung sour notes for Spotify (SPOT), but Landon Swan with @LikeFolio calls those issues small compared to the orchestra ahead. Landon breaks down the factors sowing promise for the music streaming company.
After conquering the streaming music market, Spotify is looking to broaden its subscription service with video.
Recently, users have been paying close attention to Spotify (SPOT). This makes it worthwhile to examine what the stock has in store.